Thursday, February 19, 2009


Whenever - KiD CuDi

You can b my baby daddy, while Lupe Fiasco is my love for all my life. Hey, thats life

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back To Basics

I love my Ipod Touch and this whole crazy technology age that we live in (can't wait for my Blackberry Storm) for I want to take it back just a little. So instead of buying cd's or downloading music to my Ipod then hooking them up to speakers, I've decided to get a record player and some vinyls.

I've been browsing around (internet and stores alike) and the only ones that I like are from UO.
Plus I can hook it up to my laptop if I'm missing a little mp3 action. Now all I need is some money. :( Lol.

Records I plan to get:

Kanye West; 808 and Heartbreaks. It would be a sin not to own this as a Vinyl.

Everyone needs a little Block Party

Not many of my friends know my love for The Clash

The day I get this too good for words vinyl(and more) is the same day I will buy Control(Favorite Song:Atmosphere)

Michael Jackson'e Thriller is actually the first album I have ever owned;. My dad bought it for me when I was about 5(?) (I'm 19 not old, lol) So I just have to get the 25th anniversary addition.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I need these in my life

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Future Love

I want to marry a man who dresses like this when we're in our late 30s....


(photo courtesy of The Sartorialist)