Monday, November 30, 2009

Crazy About.....

I dunno. There's just something so appealing about trashy crazy acrylic nails. I love them to death. I foresee this being my new obsession for the next couple of months. My poor wallet :(

So far I'm starting slow and buying the glue on acrylics from drugstores. If I can handles those then I'm going crazy and doing it up.Imagine it: fancy clothes, well tamed wavy/glossy hair, gorgeous shoes, beautiful bags, GHETTORIFIC NAILS! I'll also add a bit of ghetto gold jewelry so my nails don't feel left out. Maybe a necklace with my names on it, Carrie Bradshaw style. Oh, crazed girl, you...

On to more obsessions....

I don't know what it is about this game buty I'm hooked! I'm playing it now, making sure the volume is extra high so I can catch when my food is done.

Keds that are not only comfy but look really good with my BDG skinny jeans. Plus I love how you can make your own designs.

YES YES and another yes! My nights are not complete without these two. It's funny, wacky, a bit vulgar if you catch it, and on my favorite weird shows list, right along with Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.

I'm always all over the place in this season...

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